as everything else i do, this is a WIP, so please bear with me on the mediocricy and
lacklusterness of my content (if you care, that is).

heya, call me hol.i doodle and write as a hobby—occasionally,
because i tend to deal with lots of personal stuff.
i'm somewhat of a storyteller, i love creating worlds,
characters, stories 'n such; be the more "original" stuff or
the "AU" reimaginations, it's all inspired by the countless
media i consume and enjoy.
and on that, i could be considered "multifandom" (not much
of a fan of that term), since i'm chronically online, i tend to venture
myself and end up getting into LOTS of media. can't even
count how many rabbitholes i get into every month.
anwyays, i'm really casual about it all, so don't expect anything polished, 'kay?aaaand... i'm an avid (tt)rp(g) afficionado
(from tabletop to written and illustrated roleplay)
if you haven't noticed yet.
btw i'm brazilian

placeholder gif

also, my commissions are technically currently open.
if you want a doodle, concept art or storyboard for a few bucks,
give me a ring on discord or bsky ( @holeheart ) !

also², i made a trello to poorly organize some of the ocs
& worldbuildings i've created these last years, feel free to check it out.
WARNING: it's all REALLY unorganized and wip-y.
may contain NSFW-ish stuff, discretion is advised,
and not everything is there.

okay so i'mma just vomit some personal-ish stuff that i don't care too much that people know uhhhh...
i'm chronically online and i talk way too much when someone actually tickles my hyperfixations
i really really really love (tt)rpgs; and honestly roleplaying in general (like written rp, not the cringy type, the cool type that can have you write a whole fucking detailed novel with it it's awesome and it gives me so many creative juices)
i also love dark fantasy stuff (like darkest dungeon, warhammer, berserk and all that fuckaroo)
i also love niche shit like (horror) "rpg maker"ish games 'n stuff
i also love dream/weird/internet/whateverthefuck-core stuff like ENA it's so cool
also i know my sona (called holeheart btw) doesn't have the most original concept, name or design but it was mainly inspired by oyasumi pun pun when i read it back in 2020, it was also inspired by the nightmares i have every fucking night (i have night terrors, yeah), and also joel g's/etherane's works, and also it went through some changes as off late because i got bent over hard over some private stuff
i consume way too much media and procrastinate a lot, i also REALLY struggle trying to be productive with art or my life in general because the voices
i can't do shit by myself usually 'cuz i start to feel really down in the dumps (i'd have probably made like three entire comics by now if i wasn't like this lol) so i need hype or friends to do it with me cuz i'm a secluded loser
my main difficulty is entirely psychological i hate having a brain
also i thought about trying to become a professional illustrator/concept artist once but i decided it's healthier for me to keep it casual, so i just try my best i guess
also i love illustrated rp'ing (its like making a storyboard or comic with someone where you do your sketch of the scene and then they do theirs and it's honestly the coolest fucking shit for me i get really inspired to keep doodling)
and on that note storyboarding/comic-making is like my favorite stuff to do cuz it meshes what i like most into one specific activity involving storytelling and a type of art i can actually try to do decently but i just can't do it by myself i suck
oh yeah and i really like martial arts 'n stuff
i also like guns a lot
if you're a douche i'll oblitarate your kneecaps with a 12gauge
that's all the steam out of my head i think goodbyeeeeee